Peer-Reviewed Publications (Google Scholar Profile – Bikram Subedi)
Student names are underlined
26. Foppe, K.S., Weinberger, D., and Subedi, B. Estimation of the consumption of illicit drugs during special events in two communities in Western Kentucky, USA. Science of The Total Environment 2018, 633, 249-256.
25. Skees, A.J., Foppe, K.S., Loganathan, B., and Subedi, B. Contamination profiles, mass loadings, and sewage epidemiology of neuropsychiatric and illicit drugs in wastewater and river waters from a small community in Western Kentucky. Science of The Total Environment 2018, 631-632, 1457-1464.
24. Foppe K.S., Subedi B. (2018) Analysis of Illicit Drugs in Wastewater Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS/MS). In: Musah R. (eds) Analysis of Drugs of Abuse. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1810. Humana Press, New York, NY.
20. Subedi, B., Balakrishna, K., Joshua, D. I., and Kannan, K. Mass loading and removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products including psychoactives, antihypertensives, and antibiotics in two sewage treatment plants in southern India. Chemosphere 2017, 167, 429-437.
15. Subedi, B. and Kannan, K. Occurrence and fate of select psychoactive pharmaceuticals and antihypertensives in two wastewater treatment plants in New York State, USA. Science of the Total Environment 2015, 514, 273-280.
14. Subedi, B., Aguilar, L., Robinson, E., Hageman, K.J., Björklund, E., Sheesley, R.J., and Usenko, S. Selective pressurized liquid extraction as a sample-preparation technique for persistent organic pollutants and contaminants of emerging concern. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2015, 68, 119-132.
4. Usenko, S., Subedi, B., Aguilar, L., and Robinson, E. High-throughput analysis of PPCPs, PCDD/Fs, and PCBs in biological matrices using GC–MS/MS. In Advanced Techniques in Gas Chromatography -Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS-MS and GC-TOF-MS) for Environmental Chemistry. Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry 2013, 61, 143-158.
2. Subedi, B. and Usenko, S. Enhanced pressurized liquid extraction technique capable of analyzing polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorodibenzofurans, and polychlorobiphenyls in fish tissue. Journal of Chromatography A 2012, 1238, 30-37.
Professional Presentations (Student names are underlined)
Huffines, R.; Croft, T.L.; Subedi, B. (2019).Consumption Profiles of Illicit and Neuropsychiatric Drugs in Urban and Rural Communities in Kentucky Using Sewage Epidemiology. Presentation at the Poster-at-Capitol, Frankfort, KY.
Huffines, R.; Croft, T.L.; Subedi, B. (2019). Illicit and Neuropsychiatric Drugs in Urban and Rural Communities in Kentucky Using Sewage Epidemiology. Poster presentation at the 51st Annual Southeastern Undergraduate Research Conference at the University of Tennessee, Martin, TN.
Nelson, B., Croft, T.L. and Subedi, B. (2018). Temporal Trend of Illicit and Neuropsychiatric Drug Consumption. Poster presentation at the Kentucky Academy of Science (KAS) Annual Meeting in Bowling Green, KY.
Croft, T.L. and Subedi, B. (2018). Consumption Profiles of Illicit and Neuropsychiatric Drugs in Urban and Rural Communities Using Sewage Epidemiology. Platform presentation at the Kentucky Academy of Science (KAS) Annual Meeting in Bowling Green, KY.
Croft, T.L., Foppe, K.S., Weinberger, D., and Subedi, B. (2018). Estimation of the consumption of illicit drugs during special events in two communities in Western Kentucky, USA using sewage epidemiology. Poster presentation at American Chemical Society 256th National Meeting, Boston, MA.
Skees, A., Foppe, K.S., Loganathan, B., Subedi, B. (2018). Application of sewage epidemiology to determine community use rate of drugs: Neuropsychiatric and illicit drugs in wastewater and river waters from a community in the Midwestern United States. Poster presentation at American Chemical Society 256th National Meeting, Boston, MA.
Subedi, B., Foppe, K.S., Weinberger, D. (2018). Are illicit drugs consumed more during celebrations? Platform Presentation at the American Chemical Society 256th National Meeting, Boston, MA.
Subedi, B. (2018). Opportunities and challenges associated with sewage epidemiology Platform presentation at the American Chemical Society 256th National Meeting, Boston, MA.
Subedi, B., Foppe, K.S., Weinberger, D. (2018). Are illicit drugs consumed more during celebrations? Platform presentation at the National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence (NISBRE) meeting, Washington, D.C.
Foppe, K.S., Weinberger, D., and Subedi, B. (2018). Community Usage of Illicit Drugs in Western Kentucky, USA. Sigma XI Poster Competition at Murray State University, Murray, KY.
Foppe, K.S., Weinberger, D., Subedi. B. (2018). Are illicit drugs consumed more during celebrations? Platform Presentation at 41st Annual Area Collegiate Chemistry Meeting, University of Tennessee, Martin, TN.
Foppe, K.S., Weinberger, D., and Subedi, B. (2018). Community Usage of Illicit Drugs in Western Kentucky, USA. Poster presentation at ACS 255th National Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Subedi, B., Foppe, K.S., Skees, A., Weinberger, D. (2018). Are illicit drugs consumed more during celebrations? Invited Platform Presentation at Kentucky Lake Section - American Chemical Society at Paris, TN.
Hulen, C., Hooks, C., Denney, N., Clark, L., Clark, G., Loganathan, B., Parr, B., Subedi, B. (2017). Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Profile in Hemp-Fed Chicken Egg. Poster presentation at Fall Scholars Week at Murray State University, KY.
Skees, A., Foppe, K.S., Subedi, B. (2017). Community Usage of Select Illicit and Prescribed Drugs and their Occurrence in the Clarks River. Poster presentation at Fall Scholars Week at Murray State University, KY.
Hulen, C., Hooks, C., Denney, N., Clark, L., Clark, G., Loganathan, B., Parr, B., Subedi, B. (2017). Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Profile in Hemp-Fed Chicken Egg. Poster presentation at Kentucky Academy of Science (KAS) Annual Meeting, Murray State University, KY.
Skees, A., Foppe, K., Subedi, B. (2017). Community Usage of Select Illicit and Prescribed Drugs and their Occurrence in the Clarks River. Poster presentation at Kentucky Academy of Science (KAS) Annual Meeting, Murray State University, KY.
Subedi, B., Sullivan, K.D., and Dhungana, B. (2017). Phthalate and non-phthalate plasticizers in indoor dust from childcare facilities, salons, and homes across the USA. Poster presentation at ACS 254th National Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Dhungana, B., Peng, H., Subedi, B., Jones, P. D., Giesy, J. P., Cobb, G. P. (2017). Untargeted screening and apportionment of brominated compounds in house dust. Poster presentation at ACS 254th National Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Garrison, M., Pruett, H., Loganathan, B., and Subedi, B. (2017). Determination of priority metal contaminants in drinking and source water. Poster presentation at Sigma Xi Poster Competition at Murray State University, Murray, KY.
Garrison, M., Pruett, H., Loganathan, B., and Subedi, B. (2017). Determination of priority metal contaminants in drinking and source water. Poster presentation at 40th Area Collegiate Chemistry Meeting (ACCM) at Murray State University, Murray, KY.
Subedi, B. and Kannan, K. (2016). Sewage Epidemiology - Opportunities and Challenges, 2016. Oral platform presentation at Kentucky Academy of Science (KAS) Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY.
Subedi, B. and Kannan, K. (2016). Mass loading, removal and environmental emission of select psychoactives, antihypertensives, and antibiotics from two sewage treatment plants in India. Oral platform presentation at SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Subedi, B. (2015). High-throughput analytical techniques and environmental fate of classic and emerging contaminants. An invited talk (anticipated) at Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN.
Subedi, B. (2015). High-throughput analytical techniques and environmental fate of emerging contaminants. An invited talk at Nepalese Society at Purdue University (NEPSAP), West Lafayette, IN.
Subedi, B. and Kannan, K. (2014). Illicit drugs in two wastewater treatment plants in New York State and estimation of illicit drug usage in communities through wastewater analysis. Oral platform presentation at SETAC North America 35th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Subedi, B. and Kannan, K. (2014). Fate of psychoactive pharmaceuticals in wastewater treatment plants in New York State. Poster presentation at SETAC North America 35th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Robinson, E., Trumble, S., Subedi, B., and Usenko, S. (2013). Reconstructions of pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, and mercury profiles in gray and blue whale earplugs. Poster presentation at American Chemical Society 246th National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
Aguilar, L., Subedi, B., Williams, S., Bruce, E. D., Brooks, B. W., and Usenko, S. (2013). San Jacinto River waste pits, Texas: analysis of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, furans, and biphenyls in surficial river sediment. Poster presentation at American Chemical Society 246th National Meeting and Exposition, Indianapolis, IN.
Subedi, B., Aguilar, L., Williams, S., Bruce, E. D., Brooks, B. W., and Usenko, S. (2012). Dioxins, furans and polychlorobiphenyls in fish, crabs, and clams from San Jacinto River Waste Pits. Poster presentation at SETAC 6th World Congress Meeting, Berlin, Germany.
Subedi, B. and Usenko, S. (2011). Novel high-throughput pressurized liquid-solid phase extraction technique capable of analyzing polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorodibenzofurans and polychlorobiphenyls in fish tissue. Oral platform presentation at American Chemical Society 242nd National Meeting, Denver, CO.
Subedi, B., Aguilar, L., Williams, S., Bruce, E. D., Brooks, B. W., and Usenko, S. (2011). Dioxins, furans and polychlorobiphenyls in fish, crabs, and clams from San Jacinto River Waste Pits. Oral platform presentation at SETAC North America 32nd National Meeting, Boston, MA.
Subedi, B. and Usenko, S. (2010). Simultaneous pressurized liquid extraction with silica, florisil, celite, carbopak, and alumina cleanup technique: polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorodibenzofurans and polychlorobiphenyls in fish. Oral platform presentation at South Central Regional, SETAC Meeting, Denton, TX.
Subedi, B., Du, B., Chambliss, C. K., Koschorreck, J., Brooks, B. W., and Usenko, S. (2010). Analysis of personal care products in German fish tissue by GC–MS/MS: a nationwide study. Poster presentation at SETAC North America 31st National Meeting, Portland, OR.
Subedi, B., Du, B., Chambliss, C. K., Koschorreck, J., Brooks, B. W., and Usenko, S. (2010). Analytical improvements for pharmaceutical and personal care products analysis in fish tissue. Oral platform presentations at SETAC South Regional Meeting, Junction, TX.
Subedi, B., Du, B., Chambliss, C. K., Koschorreck, J., Brooks, B. W., and Usenko, S. (2009). Analysis of personal care products in German fish tissue by GC–MS/MS: a nationwide study. Poster presentations at SETAC South Regional Meeting, Junction, TX.
Subedi, B., Mottaleb, M. A., Chambliss, C. K., and Usenko, S. (2009). Analytical improvements for pharmaceutical and personal care products analysis in fish tissue. Platform presentation at SETAC North America 30th National Meeting, New Orleans, LA.