Research Interests
Development and validation of analytical methods for trace level chemical contaminants
Understanding the environmental sources, pathways, distribution, fate, and effects of chemical contaminants
Wastewater-based Epidemiology - Estimation of consumption rate of drugs in the community
Understanding the impact of residual drugs in the environment
​Select Research Highlights
Press Release - American Chemical Society. Illicit drug use could be higher than previously thought; soars during special events.
Yahoo. The Solar Eclipse of 2017 Had a Significant Effect on America's Drug Use.
Discover Magazine. People Were Definitely High For the 2017 Solar Eclipse, Study Finds.
The Outline. America can lie about its drug problem, but its sewage can’t.
Technology Network. Sewage Analysis Reveals Scale of America's Drug Problems.
Quartz. Drug testing sewers show that Americans get lit during holidays and special events.
Inverse. The Solar Eclipse of 2017 had a Significant Effect on America's Drug Use. America's Sewage is Revealing Its Drug Habit.
IFL Science. Americans Are Using Way More Party Drugs Than We Thought, According To Their Poop.
Medical Research. Illicit Drug Use Spikes During Special Events.
Gizmodo. Sewage Study Finds American Drug Use May Be Worse Than We Thought.
Science Daily. Illicit drug use could be higher than previously thought; soars during special events
WKMS, an NPR Station. Murray State Researchers Find Illicit Drugs in West Kentucky Water Sources.
WPSD Local 6 and Hooked On Science. Eclipse High.
Inside Science. Sewage Suggests That People Got High For 2017 Eclipse.
LEX 18. Scientific Study Says A Lot Of People Were High During KY Eclipse.
Murray Ledger & Times. MSU study tests wastewater for drug use.
Blue & Gold, Murray State University. The consumption of illicit drugs in two western Kentucky communities.
ACS News. Gauging local illicit drug use in real time could help police fight abuse.
BBC. Are sewers flooded with illegal drugs?
LC/GC Chromatography Online. Analysis of wastewater in New York State indicates illicit drug consumption.
NDTV. New Method May Aid the War on Drugs.
Popular Science. Real-time wastewater analysis shows what drugs are being used where.
Science News for Students. Artificial sweeteners pollute streams
Contact Dr. Subedi (bsubedi@murraystate.edu) if you are interested in our research and opportunities!