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Lab News
Dr. Subedi received the following research/instrument grants (February 2019):
KBRIN/NIH-IDeA research grant
KBRIN/NIH funding for Analytical Instruments (Accelerated Solvent Extractor - ASE 350, Solvent Evaporator, Spectrophotometer, ULT Freezer, etc.)
The Marshall and Annette Gordon Chemistry Research Award
Rhiannon Huffines got the best poster presentation award at the Southeastern Undergraduate Research Conference (SURC) at the University of Tenessee, Martin, TN (February 2019).
Dr. Subedi received "Outstanding Professional Member Research Award" from the American Chemical Society - Kentucky Lake Section. (November 2018)
Tara Croft and Brittney Nelson presented their research findings at the Kentucky Academy of Science Annual Meeting in Bowling Green, KY. Brittney Nelson won the First Place Poster Award, Congratulation Brittney! (November 2018)
Tara Croft and Dr. Subedi presented oral and poster presentations at the ACS National Meeting in Boston, MA. Congratulations Tara on your first ever professional presentation! (August 2018)
Dr. Subedi presented "Are Illicit Drugs Consumed More During Special Events?" at the National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence (NISBRE) meeting, Washington, D.C. (June 2018)
Katelyn and Henry graduated. Katelyn accepted "Chemist" position at Biobot Analytics in Boston, MA and Henry started the Ph.D. program at the University of Kentucky. Congratulations both!
Many congratulations to Katelyn for the following awards (April 2018):
Sigma Xi - Best Poster Award
Sigma Xi - Outstanding Undergraduate Student Research Award
Sigma Xi - Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award
Selvi and Bommanna Loganathan Award for Outstanding Student Research
Katelyn's lead-author paper published in "Science of the Total Environment". Congratulation! (March 2018)
Katelyn made her first scientific presentations at ACS National Meeting in New Orleans. Henry Pruett attended the meeting. Congratulation both! (March 2018)
Allie's and Katelyn's first research paper accepted for publication in "Science of the Total Environment". Congratulation both! (March 2018)
Dr. Subedi presented "Are Illicit Drugs Consumed More During Special Events?" at Kentucky Lake Section - American Chemical Society Meeting in Paris, TN. (February 2018)
Cole Hulen graduated and accepted the "Chemist" position at Red Spot Paint and Varnish Co., Inc, Evansville, IN. Congratulation Cole! (January 2018)
Allie Skees graduated, Congratulation Allie! (December 2017)
Allie Skees and Cole Hulen presented research outcomes at Annual Meeting of Kentucky Academy of Science and Fall Scholars Week at Murray State University. (November 2017)
Dr. Subedi presented "Phthalate and non-phthalate plasticizers in indoor dust from childcare facilities, salons, and homes across the USA" at ACS 254th National Meeting, Washington, D.C. (August 2017)
Kenneth's first research paper published in Environmental Pollution. Congratulation! (July 2017)
Dr. Subedi attended a Symposium on the Potential of Wastewater Testing for Public Health and Safety in Washington, D.C. (May 2017)
Michael H. Garrison accepted the "Laboratory Technician" position at H.B. Fuller, Paducah, KY, and graduated. Congratulation Hunter! (May 2017)
Dr. Subedi awarded with a competitive CISR Research Grant. (April 2017)
Katelyn Foppe received highly competitive Grady L. Cantrell Sigma XI Scholarship for 2017-2018. Congratulations Katelyn! (April 2017)
Dr. Subedi awarded with a KBRIN/NIH Research Grant. (February 2017)
Kenneth Sullivan graduated. Congratulation Ken! (December 2016)

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